Oh, for the time to blog again!
I ask you to forgive the long, long pause in the progress of "Down the Rabbit-Hole" recently. Like most PhD students, at set times in my life cycle I tend to hibernate in dark, gloomy caves (read: libraries) and only come out for fresh air and coffee. Now is one of those times.
With only one comprehensive exam standing between me and the much-coveted "All But Dissertation" status, I have been hunched over the books for the last two months trying to cram as much random crud about medieval geography in my head as possible. The process is much like trying to cram clowns into a Shriner's car, and just as messy. The exam is in about two weeks. I ask for prayers for stamina now that I've been forced onto a caffeine-free diet.
In the meantime, it
pains me to see this blog lying fallow when I know that there are dozens of TLP productions getting started right this semester. Right now dramaturges, directors, designers and actors are asking hard questions about how to stage this play, and why. There are actors starting to feel the serious emotional demands of their roles. Wouldn't you like a place to talk about it and to see how others are dealing with the same issues?
Since I don't have time to write until my Prospectus is done,
I'd love to hear from others about their current and former TLP experiences from any part of the production process! If nothing else, tell me about your production and I'll put up a post to advertise it. If you want to bare your dramaturgical soul about how much you love Brecht's "Street Scene," I want to hear it.
All interested parties can contact me at
jackrabbit.blog@gmail.com and I'll be delighted to post them. Take care, y'all! Drink some coffee for me.