This page aims to fix that deficit. The pictures you see here are all available from Flickr under a Creative Commons copyright with very flexible terms, and most of them (probably all at this point) are mine. Feel free to use them for any editorial or educational use you'd like, including for composition work, posters or whatever. I hope they help to fill in a little bit of detail about Laramie, the university, and Wyoming in general. And I hope they show them in a good light.
I've tried to include pictures of the town, the college, places/things mentioned in The Laramie Project and Ten Years Later: an Epilogue. Landscape plays an important theme in both plays, so I've added a little bit of that, too, with pics of the surrounding prairie.
I don't put many editorial restrictions on my photos, but I would ask that you use the photos of the Shepard memorial respectfully. There's no reason to flame that kid innocently using a bench for what it's designed to do. That's it!
To download any picture, just click on it, and the link will take you to the Flickr page where you can choose the size you want by clicking on the magnifying glass above each picture. Most of these are available up to a whopping 4752 x 3168.
Pictures of Laramie proper:
A "Welcome to Laramie" sign, west of town
Two versions of a very famous book cover, taken over the 4th of July weekend. Remarkably close, no?
After I recognized the spot and took these pics, I looked behind and to my right.
That's when I realized that I was within walking distance to the murder site. Brrrr...
Downtown, at Ivinson Ave.
Downtown Laramie, from the historical downtown district.
The downtown district (1st street), taken at night from the catwalk.
Downtown Laramie at night. You can see the sign for JJ's (the old Fireside) sticking up far right.
The sign in detail. You can see where they've painted over the name of the old name "Fireside Lounge" across the front of the sign.
The bar during the day. I swear it's not as dumpy as the overcast light and everything make it look.
The Albany County Courthouse, home to both trials and the worst of the protests.
The trains and rail-yard are mentioned a lot in The Laramie Project. This is the rail-yard in question...
Here's what it looks like from above, from the catwalk.
The catwalk again. This catwalk is the appropriate location for two things:
1) wooing
2) spitting on trains
Two views of Ivinson Ave., from the downtown and of its most iconic landmark, St. Matthew's...
This is the most photographed storefront in Laramie, as far as I can tell.
So I photographed it.
So I photographed it.