Calling all Theater companies and performers!

Open Call to Theater companies, performers, researchers:
I would like to hear other voices besides my own on this blog. If you'd like to write about your TLP experiences here, e-mail them to me and I'll put them up.
Topics can include dramaturgy to staging to personal responses to the play. Anything goes!

BIbliographic Master-list 1: News Coverage, Commentary, and Non-Literary Journal Articles

Welcome to the Non-Literary Bibliography List for the study of TLP

This list is primarily for study of the incident and play from a non-literary context.  You'll find academic studies, news articles, books, and more regarding the Shepard murder, the trials, and the political response on this list.  Right now, the focus is mainly on primary sources on the murder and trials, but I'm slowly expanding that. 

If you are looking for scholarship on literary or dramatic aspects of TLP, please visit the Literary Study Bibliographic Master-List, linked here.  You will find everything from academic scholarship to blog posts from involved people/interviewees, to study guide material.  

If you want copies of any of this but can't get hold of them through your scholarly community, feel free to email me at and I'll help out wherever I can.  Some things I can make available through my Google Docs account or send directly to you if it's for academic purposes as per US Copyright law. 

Academic Scholarship on Social Aspects of the Shepard Incident:  

Elsbree, Anne René, and Penelope Wong. "The Laramie Project as a Homophobic Disruption: How the Play Impacts Pre-Service Teachers' Preparation to Create Anti-Homophobic Schools." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues In Education 4.4 (2007): 97-117.

Frommer, Martin Stephen. "Thinking Relationally About Forgiveness." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15.1 (2005): 33-45.

Kiersky, Sandra.  "Revenge and Forgiveness in Psychoanalysis: Commentary on Stephen Wangh's 'Revenge and Forgiveness in Laramie, Wyoming.'"Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15.5 (2005): 771-78.  

Lynch, John. " Memory and Matthew Shepard: Opposing Expressions of Public Memory in Television Movies."  Journal of Communication Inquiry 31.3(2007):222-38.

Mulvey, Anne, and Charlotte Mandell. "Using the Arts to Challenge Hate, Create Community: Laramie Lives in Lowell." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 11.3/4 (2007): 121.

Noelle, Monique. "The Ripple Effect of the Matthew Shepard Murder: Impact on the Assumptive Worlds of Members of the Targeted Group." American Behavioral Scientist 46.1 (2002): 27.

Ott, Brian L., and Eric Aoki. "The Politics of Negotiating Public Tragedy: Media Framing of the Matthew Shepard Murder." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 5.3 (2002): 483-505.

Pace, Nicholas J. "I've Completely Changed: The Transforming Impact of the Matthew Shepard Scholarship." Journal of Advanced Academics 18.3 (2007): 344-371.

Petersen, Jennifer. "Media as Sentimental Education: The Political Lessons of HBO's The Laramie Project and PBS's Two Towns of Jasper." Critical Studies in Media Communication 26.3 (2009): 255-274.

Quist, Ryan M., and Douglas M. Wiegand. "Attributions of Hate: The Media's Causal Attributions of a Homophobic Murder." American Behavioral Scientist 46.1 (2002): 93.

Saewic,  E., and S. Marshall.  "Reducing Homophobia in High School: The Effects of The Laramie Project Plays and an Integrated Curriculum."  Journal of Adolescent Health 48.2 (2011): 111. 

Sandage, Steven J.  "Intersubjectivity and the Many Faces of Forgiveness: Commentary on Paper by Stephen Wangh." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15.1 (2005): 17-32.

Wangh, Stephen. "Reply to Commentaries."  Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15.1(2005): 47-56. 

---."Revenge and Forgiveness in Laramie, Wyoming." Psychoanalytic Dialogues 15.1 (2005): 1-16.

News Coverage of the incident: 
ABC 20/20 Program: 
  •  Available as a web summary of the program here.  Full transcript of the program available via LexisNexis academic (which I also have...) 
The Advocate:
  • Martin, Michael. "Remembering Matthew." Advocate 1017 (2008): 28-35.  
  • "Revisiting Laramie." Advocate 899 (2003): 31.  [Interviews w/ principal people 5 years later]
  • Gross, Michael Joseph. "Pain and Prominence." Advocate 899 (2003): 26.   [Judy Shepard]
  • Vilanch, Bruce. "Hallowed Ground." Advocate 815 (2000): 47.   [The Fence]
  • Curtis, Phil. "More Than a Verdict." Advocate 802/803 (2000): 34.  [Sentencing; M&H's future as prisoners]
  • Curtis, Phil. "A Town Reflects on Itself." Advocate 796 (1999): 44.  [Interviews with friends]
  • Wieder, Judy. "The Shepard Family Heals." Advocate 796 (1999): 38.
  • Bertrand, Stephen J. "Matthew Shepard One Year Later." Advocate 796 (1999): 36.
  • Barrett, Jon. "The Lost Brother." Advocate 773 (1998): 26-30. [Interviews]
National Public Radio:     
The Laramie Daily Boomerang:
The New York Times: 
  • NYT's Laramie Project page:  Back during the release of HBO's version of The Laramie Project, NYT and HBO put together a free list of seventeen articles about the murder and trials.  A link to the page with access to the articles is still available at this link

Time Magazine/
Vanity Fair:

Gibson, Scott.  Blood and Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard.  Painted Leaf Press, 1999.
[Honestly, I flipped through a copy of this once and was a little disturbed, but you can make your own decisions.]

Loffreda, Beth.  Losing Matthew Shepard: Life and Politics in the Aftermath of Anti-Gay Murder.  New York: Columbia UP, 2000.

Patterson, Romaine, and Patrick Hinds.  The Whole World Was Watching: Living in the Life of Matthew Shepard.   Advocate Books, 2005. 

Shepard, Judy.  The Meaning of Matthew.  Hudson Street Press, 2009. 

Swigonski, Mary, et. al.  From Hate Crimes to Human Rights: A Tribute to Matthew Shepard.  Routledge, 2001.
[This is more of a hard-hitting manual for LGBT activism, but it includes a personal anecdote of Shepard and dedicated to his memory.] 

Archival and Primary Research Resources:
  • The UW online archive of the Matthew Shepard incident, via linked here.  
  • UW Press release page for the Matt Shepard murder, with the main press releases and text of public speeches, etc., linked here.  
  • University of Wyoming American Heritage Center, The Matthew Shepard Collection (1983-2008).  MS # 300014.
    This consists of nine boxes of correspondence, clippings, e-mails, and everything you can imagine regarding UW and the Shepard case.  I have the finding aid linked here so you can plan ahead the next time you're in Laramie. 

Video Resources: 

The ABC 20/20 Program:  This is the program that sent everybody up in arms because it concludes that, since Matt was a bit of a personal mess and the murderers did drugs, that he was murdered in a "drug deal gone bad."  It is available through Amazon-- if you want to watch it-- but LexisNexis has the program transcript available, too. 

A&E Program, American Justice, Matthew Shepard: Death in the High Desert.  Available for record-on-demand through Amazon. I have never seen this, but it's available...  

Seckinger, Beverly.  Laramie Inside Out.  This isn't currently on the market, so check via interlibrary loan or used video sellers.  A very good documentary of the Shepard trials and protests, from a UW recent alum.

Angels Turn Their Backs on Hate:  filmed by The Working Group.  This is a short clip showing the now-famous Newark High School production of The Laramie Project, which was filmed about the same time Fred Phelps threatened to protest their production.