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Open Call to Theater companies, performers, researchers:
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bibliographic info for "The Laramie Project": Lit Crit and Theater

After the jump on this page is a list of major works that I've been able to find that focus on The Laramie Project to some degree in the MLA Bibliography and the International Index to the Performing Arts.  I tried to stick to presenting scholarly articles that were both in good journals and were of some length.  The IIPA, for example, has a ton more, but a lot of them are just short news blurbs or show announcements.

Note also the number of these that are by TT members, interviews with TT members, or about their practices.  There's not as much on the literary side of The Laramie Project as I had expected, strangely.  The articles vary both in focus and in quality, so definitely check these out for yourself when using them. 

Working Bibliography:

Anderson, Michael.  "A Resurgence of Verbatim Theatre: Authenticity, Empathy and Transformation." Australasian Drama Studies 50 (2007): 153-169.

Baglia, Jay, and Elissa Foster "Performing the 'Really' Real: Cultural Criticism, Representation, and Commodification in The Laramie Project." Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 19.2 (2005): 127-145.

Belber, Stephen.  "Listening to 'Laramie.'" The Dramatist 3.2 (2000): 18-31.

Bottoms, Stephen "Putting the Document into Documentary: An Unwelcome Corrective?" TDR: The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance Studies 50.3 [T191] (2006): 56-68.

Brian, Crystal. "Community: Devising Community." Theatre Topics 15.1 ( 2005): 1-13.

Brown, Rich.  "Collaboration: Moisés Kaufman: The Copulation of Form and Content." Theatre Topics 15.1 (2005): 51-67.

Claycomb, Ryan M. "(Ch)oral History: Documentary Theatre, the Communal Subject and Progressive Politics." Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism 17.2 (2003): 95-122.

Dolan, Jill.  Utopia in Performance: Finding Hope at the Theater.  Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2005.

Freeman, Roger. "Solving the Laramie Problem, or, Projecting onto Laramie." Theatre Symposium: A Journal of the Southeastern Theatre Conference 15 (2007): 107-122, 138.

Kaufman, Moisés. "Into the West: An Exploration in Form." American Theatre 17.5 (2000): 17-18.

Nagel, Erica.  "An Aesthetic of Neighborliness: Possibilities for Integrating Community-Based Practices into Documentary Theatre." Theatre Topics 17.2 (2007): 153-168.

Loffreda, Beth.  "Scheduling Idealism in Laramie, Wyoming." Postwestern Cultures: Literature, Theory, Space. Ed. Susan Kollin. Lincoln, NE: U of Nebraska P, 2007. 159-171.

Salamensky, S. I.  "Re-Presenting Oscar Wilde: Wilde's Trials, "Gross Indecency," and Documentary Spectacle." Theatre Journal 54.4 (2002): 575-588.

Shewey, Don. "Town in a Mirror." American Theatre 17.5 (2000): 14-17.

Stoller, Terry.  "Performing Laramie: The Tectonic Theater's Project." New England Theatre Journal 15 (2004): 21-34.

Svich, Caridad. "Moises Kaufman: 'Reconstructing History Through Theatre' - An Interview." Contemporary Theatre Review 13.3 (2003): 67-72.

Tigner, Amy L. "The Laramie Project: Western Pastoral." Modern Drama 45.1 (2002): 138-186.

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